Vital Statistics
I'm an experienced and passionate advertising photographer with over thirty years experience in the business
Refusing to be pigeonholed into a single style of photography
I work in the UK and overseas for multiple world renowned brands, ad agencies and design groups
I pride myself on my ability to problem solve whether it be by meticulous pre shoot planning or adapting quickly while on location
6ft 4 inches tall
Born and raised in West London
I live in an old rectory in beautiful Wiltshire with my lovely wife, a mad whippet and a Scottish deer hound
Can't play the guitar but wish I did
Partially deaf from an early age, although you wouldn't know it. (Hopefully)
Full back up services including model agencies, home economists, stylists, hire studios, assistants and producers
Passionate about beautiful lighting and considered composition
Based from a purpose built studio just west of Stonehenge in Wiltshire
Nerdy about symmetry and attention to detail
Good manners
Radio Paradise
Walking the dogs
The Wiltshire countryside
Traveling somewhere new
Salmon fishing in Scotland
Anything Harley Davidson
Old films on rainy days
Meeting new people
Bad manners
Overcast days
Traffic jams
Call centres
Wearing a suit
A small selection of clients